7 categories, $2000 prize pool
Сontest task
Create a video about STRIDE. It can be anything: a meme-like clip, nice gameplay montage video, funny multiplayer moment, ...

You can use footage recorded only by yourself (check the rules). The footage should contain gameplay or other graphical elements of the game.

Alongside gameplay footage, you can include IRL footage, footage from other games, memes, etc.

The jury (Joy Way) will pay attention to your player skills, creativity and the fun level of the video.

Creativity and professionalism will be rewarded with prizes on September 10, 2022.

Tip: to record stabilized footage with a wide FOV, use the spectator camera (only available on PC).

Press 'S' on your keyboard to activate or deactivate the spectator cam, no special settings needed!

Categories and prize pool distribution
Best Overall: $500
The best entries in the contest are first shortlisted by Joy Way, and then the community chooses the winner.

Best Editing: $400
Show off your editing skills. Any editing/modeling/animation/... software is allowed.

Most Creative: $300
For those who think outside the box. We don't limit you to any specific type of content, it can be anything.

Mad Skills in Multiplayer: $200
Mad Skills in Single-player: $200

If you have mastered the game, this is your chance. We pay 90% of our attention to your skill and 10% to the rest.

Funniest: $200
We crave memes! Any funny and dank stuff is allowed, as long is the humor is socially acceptable. It can still be edgy, but we will not tolerate racism, sexism, jokes about religion, etc.

Best Shorts: $100x2
For clips under 30 seconds. 2 winners in this category!
Participants have 57 days to submit their works, July 7 - September 1, before 23:59 UTC.

We'll announce the winners on September 10, 2022
. All funds will be transferred to the winners' PayPal accounts shortly after.
Step 1: create a video

1. The video should be between 5 seconds and 15 minutes long.

2. You can use footage of any game mode and other visual and audio elements from the game (like icons, interfaces, sounds, etc).

3. Please note that you can't use another person's footage (without their written permission) to participate in the contest. You also can't participate with an old video created before the contest starts.

* Group submissions are allowed. If a video submitted by a group of people wins, the prize pool will be divided equally among all the contributors from this group.

** Pay attention to the copywriting license if you add music to your video.

Step 2: publish the video from your personal YouTube account

1. The title of your video must contain the word "STRIDE".

2. The description of the video on YouTube must include the following text:
This is a video for STRIDE video contest (
To take part, visit Joy Way Discord server (

3. When uploading your video choose:
Category - Gaming
Game title - STRIDE (2020)

4. Upload the video and make it public on YouTube.

Step 3: publish the video to the Joy Way Discord server, in the channel #submit-video

Send a link to your video to the channel #submit-video on the Joy Way Discord server ( Nominate it for up to 3 categories

One person/group can submit up to 2 videos. Each video can be nominated in up to 3 categories of the total 7. Each submission can win only in 1 category.

We'll reply to your message there and will tell you if your submission is correct.

What's next?

After submissions are closed, we will shortlist the best (in our opinion) submissions and will run a community vote to choose the best of the best.

After that, Joy Way team members will privately vote for works in other categories, and we will announce all winners on September 1st or a bit earlier. Please note that one can nominate their video in up to 3 categories and can only win in 1 category.

Submit your video